
Having started reading Mark Manson’s books, the first thing I can relate to is the illusion most of us is living under. The ways our thinking works and how we show it to outside world. The art of not facing the real truth but being comfortable with our basic selves is humanly and an easy think to do in this modern world. Instead of expressing our true feelings and thoughts, why not buy an expensive piece of garment and talk about that. Going out and talking about how our social media is doing, where I got that lipstick colour and how difficult was it to find. Filling in the silences by looking at the phones whilst subtly giving a stinky eye to someone across the room, feeling good about ourselves thinking how we have other important things to do. Its the image of what our mind wants us to show to the world whilst keeping our true selves locked in. Its safe thing to do right, not exposing the vulnerabilities, not risking it at all. After all, great names has told us to keep our emotions in check, why wouldn’t we? Constantly trying to impress others and feeling comfort in knowing what other think of us. Being in our illusion bubble and changing colours as we are seen. Not that its wrong, but its the comfort and not facing it all. With time,we will move farther away to face that “real truth” and until its so far away, we wouldn’t even know what it was all for. “Be in present and enjoy it” I wonder how different poeple would interpret that. Next big question that pops in the mind is “do we ever yearn”, ask ourselves this question the true meaning of yearn and how we perceive it. What is it we want and when was the last time we really and deeply thought about it. How it has change our lives and how miserable or happy it made us. Reflecting on how far you have come and really think about our choices and thinking patterns. Are we that modern that we can’t even think it?