
“I can’t wait to get back to work so I don’t have thoughts like that” says her, after having the conversation about meaning or purpose of life. She is off sick for last 14 days and have no other passions. Instagramming motivational quotes or posting pictures of girls night out, and I am thinking why do we want to show other people the perfect being. Why she is seeking approval of others and looking for someone to make her feel better?

The purpose of life is one’s true inner calling, what makes them get up in morning. Seeing the real side of people is disappointing. Claiming one thing and doing the opposite irks me. Why do we want to be seen as good people and act like bad? I would rather be seen as bad person and act like good. Maybe the villains are the real heroes, atleast they are not hiding their true selves. What hurt the most is being not genuine. It breaks the heart and can really have long lasting effect. Villains are bad images but they are not deceiving anyone.

Decision Making

There comes a few times in our lives when we have to make vital decisions. Whether it be our career or love life or academic ones. Important thing is that we take our time and do not rush anything. One decision has the potential to change our imaginations.

Decision making on one hand can be matter of few minutes, while on the other hand can be very exhausting.

One angle to look at it will be its heart vs mind kind of scenario. Because deep down in your gut feeling you already know your decision but mind keeps playing different contexts and scenarios, thereby sometimes creating doubts.

People give their opinions, but deep down you want someone to say what your gut’s feeling. Its a very delicious feeling, its like you are trying to win battle. Beauty is that no one can see it but yourself, and thats the kind of battle everyone likes to fight, because no matter what, in the end only you know, what you have been through, and only you can cherish it. That feeling, that euphoric moment, that smile in the mirror, ah that damn smile!!!